
Deterioration of the Newborn

While the majority of newborn infants require only short-term surveillance there are groups at risk of developing complications particular to the perinatal period. By planning and preparing for these at-risk newborn infants, we aspire to prevent morbidity that could have life-long consequences for their health and wellbeing.

What is NEWTT 2?

This framework for practice describes at-risk groups and provides an updated Newborn Early Warning Track and Trigger (NEWTT2) chart aligning to current recommendations for newborn care and acknowledging feedback from healthcare professionals. 

The chart encompasses parental concern to acknowledge the importance of the opinion of the family in addition to the wider multi-disciplinary team. The inclusion of parental concern supports concerns highlighted and recommendations made in recent national maternity investigations.

NEWTT 2 Webinar - A New Approach to Managing Deterioration 

This webinar explains the updates from the original NEWTT chart and provides guidance on using the new chart using real life examples. We share the experience of our testers and talk about the next steps including digitisation and evaluation.

Implementation Support

If you need any help with implementing the NEWTT2 framework and chart please get in touch with the contact for your region.

NEWTT 2 Training Slides (Powerpoint)
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